1973 BMW R75/5: Refinishing the Transmission and Rear Drive

I just posted two web pages about this work with lots of pictures in the column on the right side, and here are the direct links:

I did not rebuild the rear drive or transmission, just refinish them.  I did have to work on the transmission kick start and shift lever tapered bolts as they were very hard to remove due to scratches and burrs.

Here are a couple of the before and after pictures from the web pages.

Rear Transmission Grunge

Rear Transmission Grunge

Top Transmission Grunge

Top Transmission Grunge

Bottom Transmission Gunge

Bottom Transmission Gunge

Polished Parts

Polished Parts

Refinished Transmission Rear

Refinished Transmission Rear

Refinished Transmission Top

Refinished Transmission Top

Refinished Transmission Bottom

Refinished Transmission Bottom

Refinished Transmission Left Side

Refinished Transmission Left Side

Rear Drive Before Cleaning

Rear Drive Before Cleaning

Brake Shoe Orientation

Brake Shoe Orientation

Refinished Rear Drive Brake Shoe Side

Refinished Rear Drive Brake Shoe Side

Refinished Rear Drive

Refinished Rear Drive Outside

4 thoughts on “1973 BMW R75/5: Refinishing the Transmission and Rear Drive

  1. I just bought a 1971 BMW R75/5 that needs a total restoration – much rougher than yours. I’m anxious to get underway with the project. I’ve worked on a couple of Honda’s and Yamaha’s but this is my first Euro bike.
    I am enjoying reading all of your posts. There are a lot of little snippets of information and subtleties that will save me a ton of aggravation.
    You have done a great job. I only hope my bike turns out half as nice as yours.
    Thanks for sharing all of the helpful tips and posting so many good photos.


    • Hi Dennis,

      Well, cool beans and welcome to the insanity of BMW restoration 🙂

      I’m glad what I’ve posted so far has been helpful to you. I have benefited from other’s who posted useful information as well, and wanted to help contribute to the collection of “how to” information and my own learning and mistakes.

      Keep me posted on your progress on your build.


  2. Hi Dennis,
    Came across your thread and many “Thanks” from me, as I about to begin the transmission and engine on my 76 R75/6. The machine is low mileage for it’s age and want to break open the transmission and pull the barrel’s back to renew the push rod tubes.

    I have a rollong frame and have converted the single front disk brake to a twin.

    Here my question: In looking at your pictures I saw somewhere where you have listed the tools needed to break open the transmission and for the life of me have no idea were the page was with the part #’s. Would you be so kind to pass the link along.
    Again, Great Job!


    • Hi Rick,

      You may have confused me with someone else and their project. I haven’t done any transmission rebuild on this project, so I can’t answer your question.


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