When I bought the bike in January 2015, the neutral bulb didn’t light and the starter motor wouldn’t work unless I pulled the clutch. I need to figure out what is going wrong in the starter circuit and the neutral switch. I wrote up the work I did here including how I diagnosed that the neutral switch failed and how to replace it:
This write-up makes use of some short videos to show what I do. I’m experimenting with how to use video clips to explain things better than just pictures and text can.
There is a longer video at the beginning in which I explain how I use the Haynes wiring diagram and Bob Fleischer’s material to figure out how the neutral and clutch switches work in the starter switch circuit.
I’ve heard fellow Airheads tell me electricity is confusing and a mystery. So I thought maybe showing how I try and figure out how components work from the wiring diagram when I have a problem may be of some value. Here is a direct link to that video.
Here are the other short videos I shot that are included in the write-up.
Here are a few pictures from the write-up.