Installation of the steering damper mechanism is straight forward. One thing that you can get wrong is aligning the number on the damper rod with the correct position of the damper rack it adjusts. I show how to get that orientation correct.
Here is the link to the detailed procedure and to a short video summary of the installation process.
VIDEO: 1983 BMW R100RS Install Steering Damper Mechanism
Thank you for another great video explaining in much detail how to work on our machines. Very much appreciated!
Mike McAllister
You’re welcome Mike.
So, I had my damper unit on my work bench all apart for cleaning and re greasing. Everything is laid out nice and in order. I get done with washing the parts and lo and behold, one of the little safety spring clips has disappeared! Two hours of searching the workbench, under the bench, compressor, storage shelves and a sweep up of the floor with a probing of a magnet, didn’t turn it up. LOL, Ghosts, no project goes according to plan.
Thanks Brooke for doing the videos. St.
True Dat, my friend. 🙂