New Name For “Brook’s Airhead Garage”

I changed the name of my web site and YouTube channel to “Brook’s & Branden’s Airhead Garage”. Branden is my youngest son and now owns 3 airheads I rebuilt: 1975 R75/6, my 1st BMW; first year 1977 R100RS; 1983 R100RS I converted to the RT model.

He is currently working on rebuilding a 1973 R75/5 that was donated to the Motorcycle Relief Project.

I was diagnosed with the neuro-muscular disease ALS this summer after 9 months of testing. I’ve lost strength and can’t ride or do anymore rebuild projects. Branden is using my shop and tools, so I renamed the web site and YouTube channel because he is going to publish and film the work he is doing on the R75/5 project. He has become an airhead enthusiast and is a very good mechanic. His documentation will be high quality ๐Ÿ™‚

I am optimistic a cure for ALS will arrive this year and I’ll be cured ๐Ÿ™‚

55 thoughts on “New Name For “Brook’s Airhead Garage”

  1. Brook, I am sad to read about your health plight. I will also keep optimistic thoughts about curing this disease. Stay strong.

  2. Stay positive!
    We all look forward to seeing what the two of you are up to.

  3. Brook,

    So sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Your videos have been a tremendous resource for me and Iโ€™m happy to hear that youโ€™re passing the torch to your son. Iโ€™ll share your optimism and hope youโ€™ll be back to wrenching soon!

    All the best,

    Chris Hollingsworth

  4. Brook, very sorry to hear about your ALS condition, hoping there is a cure. Glad Brandon is taking over, Dadโ€™s Boy!
    My 1st bike was also a 75 R75/6 I purchased in 83 then in 86 I bought my friends 77 R100RS.
    Quite the coincidence.
    Feel better, Carl Tagliabue

  5. Only the best wishes for you to a speedy and complete recovery Brook. I am certain under your tutelage that Branden will surpass all of our expectations and continue the stellar work of his father. Your site is an unlimited resource to the cadre of Airheads seeking qualified advice and guidance.

  6. Thank you for holding (not yet passing) the torch with your son. Your contribution to the airhead community has been invaluable, with your meticulous documentation and succinct communication. Your work has educated me and saved me from making many mistakes. And thank you to Branden for holding the torch with you, may he glean your many talents and dedication!

  7. Hi Brook
    So sorry to hear you have been unwell and I hope things improve for you. Thanks again for this wonderful resource you have created and I wish Branden every success in continuing in your footsteps.
    All the very best

  8. Hi Brooks,
    I’m sorry to hear of your health challenge, and sending optimism and healing energy your way for the cure and your return to health. I have always learned an incredible amount and enjoyed your site as I work to keep my R90S running smooth.
    Be Strong,

  9. Brooks, sorry to hear that you are diagnosed with ALS and you can’t work anymore in your shop. Wish you strenght in the future and many thanks for your video’s and sharing your knowledge.

  10. Very sorry to hear of your diagnoses. My mother volunteered for the ALS Society (not sure if that is correct name) for many years. I hope a cure is found soon.

  11. Brook, I am very sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I pray that your optimism for a cure pays off.

    During the pandemic I explored many videos as I (an amateur mechanic, at best) was attempting a refresh of my 1976 R75/6 that I have owed since 1980.

    Your videos and other forms of instruction are hands down the best Iโ€™ve seen. With clear and concise explanations of what and why you were doing something.

    I have come to think of you as a friend and mentor even though we have never met.

    I look forward to your son continuing your excellent work under your tutelage.

    By the way, after taking many things apart and putting them back together again on my bike, when I pushed the starter button the bike started right up.

    Thank you for your service to the Airhead community. I wish you well.


  12. Really sorry to read about your health news Brooks – fingers crossed that the cure arrives shortly! Looking forward to seeing Branden’s work. Stay safe.

  13. Sorry to hear you are not well. I have so enjoyed your projects and learned much.
    Hope your son can still benefit from your vast knowledge and continue.

    We will pray and hope for a cure!!!!

    Thank you for all you have done BMW members!!


  14. Thank you Brook for all of your contributions to the Airhead clubs and community. Best wishes for you health and a cure for ALS.

  15. Best wishes Brook!! Thank you for all you have done to support airhead preservation. Happy you are passing the torch!!

  16. Thank you Brook, your guidance and insights over the years have been greatly appreciated and have provided me with many years of happy riding!

    Wishing you good health, peace and comfort as you deal with your ailmentโ€ฆI am sure your legacy could not be in better hands.

    God Bless,

    James Stack

  17. I will be praying for your recovery and peace for you and your family.
    Thank you for the update and best wishes for your sonโ€™s endeavor!

  18. Brook,
    I’m so sorry to hear of this news from you. I have followed all your published instructional videos on YouTube, so I am optimistic that your focused, detail oriented, and knowledgeable mind will certainly help you to overcome this challenge.
    It was genuinely nice to see you and Branden at the 100th Anniversary of BMW Motorrad in 2023. It made the weekend all that much more enjoyable. Thank you so much for your invaluable contributions to afficionados of BMW airheads everywhere in the world. I will certainly continue to check into your garage for advice from you and Branden.
    I wish you and your family all the best,
    Ron Dawson
    Montreal, QC Canada

  19. Very sad to hear that ! Thank You for all the great advice over the years I hope you will feel better. Joe Ryan I have been riding BMW’s since 1972 and have worked on Hundreds in my home shop and have owned over 75 BMW Again Thank You and take care !

  20. Your tutoring has allowed me to take on many many rebuild projects across my 7 beemers. I am grateful that you have shared your enthusiasm, and knowledge. I have learned a lot and continue to learn a lot. You have instilled in me patience and have helped me to enjoy pedantic bmw repairs. I look forward to many more videos from you and Branden. Look after yourself and enjoy every moment of this adventure called life.

  21. Brook: First of all let me say how sorry I am at your medical news. I am praying for a cure to this dreadful affliction.
    I will search for and switch my YouTube subscription over to Brook’s and Branden’s immediately.
    Kind regards,

  22. Brooks, thank you for your message and I hope you are enjoying a new year happily with your family . Moreover, I’m glad that your boy has developed your skills through your tutoring and mentorship. I’m sure he’ll appreciate the ability to use his hands thanks to his dad. You’ll and your son will always remember that. Take care and we will speak soon- Frank

  23. Thank you for all the work you have done, your child will be a good follower of the treasure that is the page and good luck with health.
    Robereto, Spain

  24. Hello Brook,
    Iโ€™m sorry to hear of your health issues and thank you for letting us know.
    Iโ€™m wishing for your speedy recovery back to good health.

    Thank you for producing your video series and your attention to detail. They are a valued resource and given me the confidence to pursue mechanical work I may not have done otherwise.

    With much gratitude and wishing you well,

  25. Wishing ๐Ÿ™ all the health and happiness you can get, you are a huge inspiration and help to all the aspiring motorcycle mechanics in the world ! Nice that your son takes an interest and is willing to partner up with you!

    You got my love and prayers ๐Ÿ˜˜

    Aspiring motorcycle mechanic ๐Ÿงฐ๐Ÿ๏ธ

  26. Brook, thank you for your Airhead channel that help me a lot with my R100RS 1977 rebuilt.
    Wish you good luck and peace in your heart..


    Slovakia , European Union

  27. Oh Brook! How unfortunate for you and your family but, in a smaller way, for our community. You have inspired me with your videos as well as your attitude.
    Iโ€™m confident you are meticulously researching options for treatment as you do with challenging airhead problems.
    May God bless you in every way in this tough time.

  28. Brook,

    Thank you so much for all of your selfless contributions to the community and the world. I hope for a speedy and full recovery so that you can continue to provide yourself and the world with a continuing sense of wonder and curiosity. My best wishes to Brandon to continue in your footsteps, you have instructed him well and that is an accomplishment and lasting source of joy.

    Thank you for calling me your friend,


  29. Very sorry to learn of your recent diagnosis. Wish you well and want you to know how much I have benefited from all of your videos and articles in the Airhead magazine. Has kept my 1995 R100GSPD on the road, now with 100,000 miles on the odometer. Wish you well.
    Tim Weber, Airhead # 6081

  30. Aloha, Brook. I am very sorry about your diagnosis. I am a TV producer in Hawaii and former President of the neuromuscular disease association MDA-Hawaii, and produced many ALS patient features and tributes for fundraising in my state. I agree with you that a cure to slow and/or stop this disease must be found.
    Regarding your website, I viewed many of your videos to help me rebuild the R100RS engine I burned up from loss of oil, and thanks to you and your detailed videos, I had the confidence to repair my bike and send necessary parts to Rubber Chicken Racing to bring it back to life.
    I had always hoped to meet you in person in Colorado, now I meet with you in spirit. Aloha, John Wray

  31. Hi Brook,
    I have really enjoyed and appreciated your detailed rebuild updates over the last few years. Your detail focused organization of your restoration processes have left me in awe. Thank you for sharing it all so generously!

    If there is a cure to be found for ALS, your gift of meticulous research and positive attitude, going forward, will be a great help to find it.
    You are rightfully in the minds and hearts of the many people you have touched by your generosity.
    Gratefully to you and your family!
    BC, Canada

  32. Best wishes on your medical issue. As we age, it seems to be one thing or another. I will say that prostate cancer is no fun. Do not let those PSA numbers get away from all you guys. Yahoo for your son to take over with documentation. Rest assured he has an edxcellent teacher

  33. Dear Brook, best wishes to your health, I hope you will recover soon and look forward to see your and Branden’s work. PS: I am still wrenching on my R75/5 so I will continue to write you often for advice ๐Ÿ™‚
    Henry, Toronto, Canada

  34. My prayers and best wishes for you Brook. Thanks for all you have done to guide me through numerous jobs on my 73 75/5 and 74 90/6 that I could not have done without guidance from you & Snowbum, a mighty combination โ€ฆ many many thanks for your incredible contributions to me and many other shade tree wrenches.

  35. Best of luck with that ALS!
    And thanks for the awesome-yet-free help in the past.
    Beterschap! As they say over here in Holland.

  36. God bless you, Brook. I’ve greatly enjoyed your builds and contributions over the years. However this turns out for you, know that you have made a positive difference in this world.

  37. Hello Brook,
    Welcome Branden!
    I hope you are doing well. I’m pulling for you!
    I rebuilt a 1983 R100RS with 29k on the odometer the same time you did your R100RS. It sat for 25 years under cover in my neighbor’s garage. I purchased it from his widow after he passed away. More of a preservation restoration I would say. I did not have to break down the engine thankfully but pretty much went threw everything else. Cleaned, refurbished or replaced what I needed to. Took 10 months. I watched many of your videos during that time.
    Bike is running great.
    Thank Again!

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