I converted this 1983 R100RS into an RT by adding the RT fairing. The RT fairing comes with hard plastic side pockets, but they are much too close to the gas tank for my taste.
So, I decided to install a set of cloth bags that provide storage and don’t get very close to the gas tank. I used Fairing Pockets from “Kathy’s Journey Designs”, that are designed to work with the RS fairing.
You can read all about how I did this project here.
I mount the RS fairing pockets on the RT fairing using the existing bushings that the plastic fairing compartments mounts to. There is enough room between that part of the RT fairing and the gas tank that the bags won’t touch the gas tank when they are mounted.

Side Of Fairing Showing Bushings For M6 Bolts Used To Mount Stock Plastic Fairing Compartments: Note Rear Top Bushing Is Shorter Than The Others
I mount the bags using three M6 bolts with a flat and wave washer to the side of the fairing.