New Name For “Brook’s Airhead Garage”

I changed the name of my web site and YouTube channel to “Brook’s & Branden’s Airhead Garage”. Branden is my youngest son and now owns 3 airheads I rebuilt: 1975 R75/6, my 1st BMW; first year 1977 R100RS; 1983 R100RS I converted to the RT model.

He is currently working on rebuilding a 1973 R75/5 that was donated to the Motorcycle Relief Project.

I was diagnosed with the neuro-muscular disease ALS this summer after 9 months of testing. I’ve lost strength and can’t ride or do anymore rebuild projects. Branden is using my shop and tools, so I renamed the web site and YouTube channel because he is going to publish and film the work he is doing on the R75/5 project. He has become an airhead enthusiast and is a very good mechanic. His documentation will be high quality 🙂

I am optimistic a cure for ALS will arrive this year and I’ll be cured 🙂

All About Bing Constant Velocity (CV) Carburetors

I’ve assembled a series of YouTube videos that document how Bing CV carburetors work, how to rebuild them and how to balance them. Here is a link to these videos:

YouTube: All About Bing CV Carburetors

I also documented various Bing CV carburetor rebuilds on my website:

1983 R80ST Raffle By BMW MOA Foundation

Some of you know I started to restore a 1983 R80ST from the estate of Clem Cykowski, the original owner of BMW Of Denver that he started in the early 1970’s. I bought my first BMW from Clem in 1975, an R75/6, which my son Branden now owns. Clem and I stayed friends and he helped me when I started rebuilding airheads back in 2009.

My goal was to auction the bike and donate the proceeds to the Motorcycle Relief Project in Colorado. They use a week long motorcycle ride with therapy sessions to help military and first responders suffering from PTSD. Their success rate is amazing.

Ted Moyer, Executive Director of the BMW MOA heard about this project from Daren Dortin’s “Type 247” podcast about the project and contacted me. He offered to have the BMW MOA Foundation raffle the bike and donate all proceeds to the MRP. I agreed.

Tonight, is the MRP annual fund raiser and they are going to display the completed R80ST to start the BMW MOA raffle for their friends and followers today. The official start of the raffle is in January, but Ted is making it available in December to anyone who knows about the MRP, and is offering a discount during December of six tickets for $100 instead of the standard five tickets. So, you can take advantage of the discount if you are interested.

You can visit my website and see all the work I did to restore this bike:

1983 BMW R80ST Charity Rebuild: Project Index

And you can use this link to buy raffle tickets.

1983 R80ST Break-In Riding Log & BMW MOA Foundation Raffle Info

After the first engine start, I began the break-in and shake down for this 1983 R80ST. My goal is to break-in the bike in about 600 miles, and to be sure everything is working correctly. My experience after a major rebuild like this one is that there are always some issues and the need for some tweaks and fiddling to get everything working perfectly. So far I have put almost 900 miles on the bike.

Here is a link to what I did during the break-in riding and a YouTube video.

VIDEO: 1983 BMW R80ST Break-In Riding Log And BMW MOA Raffle Info

Date For Selling The Bike And Donating Proceeds To MRP

Ted Moyer, Executive Director of the BMW Motorcycle Owners Of America (MOA), contacted me awhile back to talk about my project. The MOA Foundation supports the Motorcycle Relief Project and he wanted to know if I would be interested in having the MOA Foundation run a raffle to sell the bike and send all the proceeds to the MRP. I told him that sounded like a good idea. Ted took the idea to the MOA Foundation board of directors and they approved it.

So the MOA Foundation will hold the raffle in December 2023 through January 2024. MOA plans to initiate the raffle at the annual MRP December dinner fund raising event. You can visit the BMW MOA Foundation website to buy raffle tickets in December-January. Currently the MOA Foundation is holding another raffle that ends on October 31.

Here are some pictures I took during my break-in rides.

Scenes During Break-in Rides

Scenes During Break-in Rides

Scenes During Break-in Rides

Scenes During Break-in Rides

Scenes During Break-in Rides

Scenes During Break-in Rides


1983 BMW R80ST Project Complete

I started this restoration in December 2021 and completed it in early July 2023. There were some periods when I was otherwise occupied and wasn’t able to work on this project. I estimate it took about 16-18 months of work to complete this restoration.

My goal is to auction the bike and donate all the proceeds to the Motorcycle Relief Project.

Here is a link to pictures of the completed rebuild of this 1983 R80ST.

This is a walk-around video I made prior to starting the rebuild,

VIDEO: 1983 BMW R80ST Pre-Build Inspection

This is a video of the walk-around of the completed rebuilt bike.

VIDEO: 1983 BMW R80ST Project Complete Walk-Around